Wildflowers Inc. Peach and Blush Centerpieces

Wildflowers Inc. took Janet and Jake’s rustic, romantic theme to heart when creating their centerpieces, bouquets and boutonnieres. For the reception, the florists put together inspired arrangements of blush, pink and peach colored blooms, including roses, snapdragons, pincushions, lisianthuses and amaryllis in distressed wooden planter boxes. The centerpieces introduced a bright cheerful note to the historic venue and meshed perfectly with the mint-colored table coverings.


Coral and Yellow Alstroemeria Centerpieces

Personal Ceremony Touches

Deep Red Bridal Bouquet

Coral Amaryllis Centerpiece

The Bridal Bouquet

Red Amaryllis and Coxcomb Arrangements in Mason Jars

Outdoor Ceremony on a Lake

White Bridal Bouquet

Hydrangea Stairway Decor

The Centerpieces

Pink and Purple Bridesmaid Bouquets

Tall Waterfall Orchid Centerpieces

Reception Table Booth Seating

The Bridal Bouquet

The Bridal Bouquet