White, Silver, Blush Rose Bridal Bouquet

Anya carried white roses, white ranunculus, white scabiosas, blush roses and silver brunia balls in her lush, round bouquet. She knew she wanted the bouquet to look romantic and wintery to match the first-of-the-year wedding theme.


Pink and Peach Flower Centerpiece

Fresh Bouquet of Peonies, Garden Roses and Succulents

Rustic Succulent and Hypericum Boutonniere

Seeded Eucalyptus and Silver Brunia Boutonniere

Colorful Bouquets of Orchids, Peonies, Hydrangeas and Orchids

Royal Purple Orchid and Blush Rose Bridal Bouquet

Silver Pedestal Centerpieces with White and Fuschia Flowers

Boutonniere with Roses and Silver Brunia

Silver Brunia and Lamb's Ear Boutonnieres

DIY Navy and White Table Linens

English Garden-Inspired Bridal Bouquet

DIY White Sea Holly Thistle Boutonniere

Pale Neutral Garden Rose and Brunia Bouquet

Mixed Flower and Greenery Bouquet

Lavender Bouquets for the Bridesmaids

Lotus Pod and Calla Lily Bouquets

Green Succulent and Blush Rose Bouquet

Peach Garden Rose and Silver Brunia Bouquet

Blush Garden Rose Bridal Bouquet

Ivory Peony and Silver Brunia Boutonniere

Buttercream Wedding Cake With Cascading Peonies

White Rose and Silver Brunia Boutonniere