White Rose and Green Viburnum Bouquet

Kristina carried white roses, white ranunculus and green viburnum in her lush bouquet. She loved how the neutral colors were in keeping with the natural garden venue by not being too showy.


Pastel Bouquet With Peonies and Hydrangeas

Ivory Calla Lily and Rose Bouquet

Blue and White Wooden Box Centerpieces

Fuchsia Ceremony Aisle Decor

Pink Rose and Olive-Leaf Bouquet

Pink Ranunculus and White Viburnum Bouquet

Elegant Glenview Mansion Ceremony

Tall White Hydrangea Wedding Centerpiece

DIY Viburnum and Baby's Breath Centerpiece

Pedestal Purple and Green Flower Arrangement

Green Trick Dianthus and Viburnum Bouquet

Viburnum, Thistle, Zinnia Aisle Decor

Colorful Bouquets of Orchids, Peonies, Hydrangeas and Orchids

White Tulle Flower-Girl Dresses

Tall Purple and White Centerpieces

Green Viburnum and Blush Rose Centerpieces

Colorful Bridal Bouquet With Sunflowers and Viburnum

Textured, Garden-Inspired Wildflower Bridal Bouquet

Green Viburnum, Purple Zinnia Centerpieces

Viburnum, Rose and Ranunculus Bouquet

Viburnum and Rose Centerpieces

Rose, Gerbera Daisy, Hydrangea Bouquets