White Lily Centerpiece in Trumpet Vase


Groom in White Suit, Bride in Layered Tulle Dress With Pink-Fringe Veil, Pink Bouquet

The Newlyweds Asked Wedding Guests to Sign Records In Lieu of a Guest Book

Bride and Groom in 1920s-Inspired Wedding Outfits

Orange and Coral Rose and Cherry Blossom Arrangements

Low Garden Rose, Lily and Dahlia Centerpiece

Branches Decorated with Ivory Flowers

Five-Tier White Fondant Cake with Cascading Flowers

Colorful Centerpieces

Bright Flowers Brightened the Venue with a Kaleidoscope of Warm Hues

Bridal Bouquet at the Charles River Museum of Industry and Innovation in Waltham, Massachusetts

White Anemone Bouquet for Philadelphia Wedding

Bright Bouquet of Dahlias, Lilies, Hydrangeas and Roses

Eucalyptus and Lily Centerpieces

Colorful Overflowing Flower Bouquet

Romantic Bouquets

White Centerpieces

Tropical Aisle Floral Arrangements at the Gaillard Center in Charleston, South Carolina

Classic Bouquet with White Peonies, Dahlias, Anemones and Lilies

Miniature White Lily and Waxflower Boutonnieres

Elegant Updo With White Flowers

Ivory and Green Lush Flower Arrangement

Ivory Wedding Cake, Red Cake Flowers