Red Rose and Alstroemeria Bridal Bouquet

Michelle's love for red roses inspired the red in her day's palette. Her bouquet included them too, with red alstroemerias and hypericum berries to add texture.


Vibrant Alstroemeria, Peony and Greenery Centerpieces

Five-Tier White Fondant Cake with Cascading Flowers

Bride's Garden-Themed Bouquet of Roses

Wood Slab Centerpieces With Mint Mason Jars and Doorknob Table Numbers

Lush Garden-Style Bouquet With Cabbage

White and Yellow Flower Aisle Decorations

Pink and White Peony, Alstroemeria Wedding Bouquet

Ivory and Yellow Flower Bouquets

Tall Blush and Ivory Centerpiece

Red Rose and Green Amaranthus Bridal Bouquet

DIY Rose, Alstroemeria and Lily Centerpieces

Branch and Yellow Flower Decorated Cake

Bridal Pastel-Colored Flower Bouquet

"Mr" and "Mrs" Vintage Wood Signs

Rose, Lily and Baby's Breath Bouquet

Wedding Tuxedo With Alstroemeria Boutonniere

Hanging White Daisy and Alstroemeria Accent

Simple Leafy Branch Garland Table Decor

Pink Peony, Orange Orchid and Ivory Alstroemeria Centerpieces

Pink and Ivory Flower Aisle Decoration

Modern Gold Ribbon-Wrapped Wedding Cake

Rose, Alstroemeria and Chrysanthemum Centerpiece