Purple and Green Bridal Bouquet

Allison describes her bouquet of purple dahlias, green hydrangeas, green hypericum berries, lavender mini calla lilies, green millet, blue veronica, yellow solidago and seeded eucalyptus as “wild enough for a garden, but elegant enough for a wedding.”


Rustic Purple and White Centerpieces

Peony and Lilac Bridesmaid Bouquet

Rustic, Romantic Bridal Bouquet

Fiddlehead Fern Boutonniere

3/4-Sleeve Monique Lhuillier Lace Gown

Lavendar and Lilac Hued Bridal Bouquet


Hydrangea and Lilac Floral Arrangements

Textured Ivory Bridal Bouquet

Wildflower Bridal Bouquet

Wildflower Centerpieces

Floral Centerpieces

Bridal Bouquet

Bridal Bouquet

Cheerful Centerpieces

Colorful Wildflower Centerpieces

Low White Centerpieces

Elegant Vintage-Inspired Centerpieces

White and Ivory Bridal Bouquet

Reception Décor