
Purple Bouquet With Clematis and Roses

Lush Rose and Scabiosa Centerpieces with Simple Table Numbers

Textured Coral and Lavender Mixed-Floral Bouquet

Mismatched Sage, Blue and Turquoise Bridesmaid Dresses

Lilac and Peony Bridesmaid Bouquet

Bridesmaids in Different Styles and Shades of Purple

Purple Garden Bridesmaid Bouquets

Peony and Lilac Bouquet

Floral Installation for At-Home Minimony in Washington, D.C.

Spring Hydrangea and Peony Centerpiece with Cascading Amaranthus

Low Blush Centerpieces in Silver Vases

Fragrant Spring Bridal Bouquet

Pink Garden Rose, Lavender and Lilac Bouquet

Green Leafy Bridesmaid Bouquet

Flower Box Centerpieces

Bridal Bouquet

Bohemian Lavender Aisle Decoration

White Spring Rose, Peony and Lilac Bouquet

Purple Rose and Sweet Pea Bouquet with Watercolor Ribbon

Bright Peony, Lilac and Rose Centerpieces

Purple Peony and Lilac Bouquet

Textured Purple Bridal Bouquet

Purple Wedding Bouquet