Princess Diana-Inspired Cascading Bridal Bouquet

When it came to choosing the flowers for the wedding, Liz had her heart set on a cascading bouquet that mirrored the statement-making arrangement carried by Princess Diana on her wedding day. A Whole Bunch Flower Market used roses, orchids, tuberoses and ferns in soft shades of white, cream and blush to create a beautiful reproduction of the iconic bouquet.


Bridesmaids in Green with Sunflower Bouquets

Sweet Peas with Ranunculus, Stephanotis and Tuberose

Red, Purple and Pink Bridal Bouquet

Blue and Pink Bouquet With Lilies and Orchids

White and Green Bouquets

Garden Roses and Tuberoses Bridesmaid Bouquet

Calla Lily and Lotus Pod Boutonnieres

Ivory and Blush Bridal Bouquet with Anemone and Garden Roses

Greenery and Blush Pink Flower Arrangement

Bohemian Feather, Rosehip and Tuberose Boutonnieres

Pink Tuberose Boutonniere

Updo With Crystal Hair Pin

Blue Orchid and Stephanotis Boutonniere

Spring-Inspired Peach Rose Bouquet

Romantic Ivory Bouquet by Victoria Ahn

Tuberose and Eucalyptus Boutonniere

Yellow, Ivory and Green Lush Bouquet

Ivory and Blush Peony and Rose Bouquet

Pink Tuberose Centerpiece in Mason Jar

Tuberose Hair Accessories

Simple Tuberose Boutonniere

Low Centerpieces With Succulents and Roses