Princess-Cut Diamond Engagement Ring

"JP did such a great job with my ring," Melanie says. "I did not tell him what I liked or wanted, but on Black Friday, JP asked me to stop by the Bloomingdale’s jewelry section with him. I didn't like any of the rings because they looked too glitzy for me. I ended up loving the ring he picked out: a princess-cut diamond with a matching wedding band."


Bride with Manicure and Cushion Cut Engagement Ring

Silver Wedding Rings and Pink Manicure

White Birdcage Veil With Fabric Peony

Silver Wedding Rings and Bracelet

Simple Program With Lavender and Green Print

Red Rose and Orange Coxcomb Bouquet

Metallic Bridal French Manicure

Plum and Gold Glitter Manicure

Matching Gold Arrow Wrist Tattoos

Thistle and Silver Brunia Boutonniere

Turquoise Brooch with Burlap Bouquet Wrap

Classic Simple Wedding Rings

Chic Black Bridesmaid Dresses

Light Pink, Blush and Neutral Bridesmaid Manicures

Pale Pink Wedding Manicure

Three-Stone Diamond Engagement Ring

Solid White Manicured Fingernails

Round-Cut Diamond Ring and Silver Band

Light Blue Manicure

Oval Cut Diamond Ring and Gold French Manicure