Lush Bridal Bouquet

The lush bouquet was an arrangement of lilacs, peonies, ranunculuses, roses, calla lilies, seeded eucalyptus and hanging amaranthus.


Wedding Program Sign Decorated With Silver Dollar Eucalyptus Beside Lilac Bush

Romantic Spring Bouquet with Pastel Flowers

Spring Peony, Lilac and Amaranthus Bouquet

A Bohemian Bouquet

Wildflower-Inspired Purple Bouquet

Four-Tier Lilac Wedding Cake

High Lilac Centerpieces

Rose and Lilac Bridesmaid Bouquet

Purple-and-Green Bouquet for Wedding at The Crane Estate in Ipswich, Massachusetts

Loosely Arranged Garden Rose and Lilac Centerpiece

Mauve Rose and Lavender Sweet Pea Centerpiece

Elegant, Lilac-Accented Low Updo

Romantic Glass Vase Centerpiece

Bright Bridal Bouquet with English Roses

Ariel International Center Ceremony

Peony, Lilac and Lily Bridal Bouquet

Spring Lilac Bouquet with Blush Ribbon

Purple Rose and Sweet Pea Bridesmaid Bouquet

Spring Lilac, Sweet Pea and Scabiosa Bouquet

Rose, Peony and Lilac Bridal Bouquet

Bridesmaids in Elegant Purple Dresses at Barn Ceremony

Bridesmaids Covering the Bride With a Sheet