Kate & Kimo: An Outdoor Wedding in Oahu, HI

Kate and Kimo met when they were both working at a beach activities company in Waikiki. They decided to go surfing together one day during their lunch break, and, as a result, the two became closer. A few months after their first surf date, they moved from Oahu to the Big Island together. The Bride Kate Wilbur, 28, registered dietitian/massage therapist The Groom Kimo Greenwell, 33, in commercial real estate The Date July 12 Seven years into their relationship, Kimo came home with a surprise for Kate -- a tandem surfboard. They decided to go test it out at the surf spot where they had their first date. After catching a few waves, they took a break and relaxed in the water. Just then, Kimo pulled a ring out of a zip-top bag he’d stored in his surf shorts. He proposed to Kate right there in the middle of the ocean. The couple began planning a beach-themed wedding.