Jennifer & Trent: A Rustic Wedding in Satin, TX
The first time Jennifer Toler met Trent Neumann, she knew she was onto something. That night I knew that I wanted to marry him—and if I was not the one, then whoever got to would be the luckiest girl in the world! says Jennifer. It turns out Jennifer was the lucky one: Three and a half years later, Trent surprised her with an unexpected Christmas gift. Jennifer unwrapped a large box to find two champagne flutes and a bottle of bubbly -- and beside it, Trent holding an engagement ring. The Bride Jennifer Toler, 27, medical sales representative The Groom Trent Neumann, 29, real estate agent The Date September 23 Though they wanted the wedding style to be rustic, Jennifer and Trent also knew they wanted it to be an elegant affair, so they chose to work with the site’s natural surroundings. I knew I wanted bright colors so they would pop against the brown and green, Jennifer says. She chose brown and blue for the palette, and indeed, with everything washed clean from the rain that passed through just before the ceremony, the colors looked even more vivid.