Colorful Overflowing Flower Bouquet

Rhonda carried a colorful lush bouquet, arranged with a combination of roses, peonies, garden roses, dahlias and orchids accented with lily pods and scabiosa pods. "Before our wedding, I didn't have the slightest inclination about flowers," Rhonda says. "It wasn’t until when I saw my own bouquet, in all its delicate splendor, that I was totally taken."


Wedding Bouquet with Vines, Veronica and Hypericum Berries

Bridal Bouquet with Dahlias, Eucalyptus and Roses

Dahlia and Rose Bouquet with Hops

Yellow Wildflower-Inspired Bridal Bouquet

Anemone and Rose Bouquet With Hypericum Berries

Red Lily, Berry and Eucalyptus Boutonniere

White Bridal Bouquet with Ranunculus

White and Green Hand-Tied Bridal Bouquet

Lemon Cake with a Peony, Rose and Ranunculus

Ivory Rose and Coral Hypericum Boutonnieres

Rustic Wooden Centerpieces with Eucalyptus and Hypericum

Hypericum Berry Green Boutonniere

Pastel Rose and Hypericum Berry Bouquet

Colorful Bouquet with Various Flowers

Modern Green and White Bridesmaid Bouquets

Navy Blazer and Denim Shirt Groom’s Suit

White and Yellow Bouquet with Dahlia, Ranunculus and Greenery

Cheerful Floral Linens and Hypericum

Romantic Pink and White Peony Bouquet

White and Green Ranunculus and Hydrangea Bouquet

Wildflower Bouquet With Gold-Sprayed Eucalyptus

Pink, Purple and White Bouquets with Roses and Hypercium