
Blue and Purple Wedding Bouquet

Wedding Bouquet With Olive Leaves and Lamb's Ear

Pink Wedding Bouquet With Roses, Scabiosa, Astilbe and Peonies

Bouquet With Mauve Roses and Burgundy Scabiosa

A Pink Bouquet of Roses, Peonies and Snapdragons Popped Against the Black and White Theme

Dramatic Wedding Bouquet at the United States Naval Academy

Red-and-White Bridal Bouquet for Wedding at The Gasparilla Inn in Boca Grande, Florida

Lush Rose and Scabiosa Centerpieces with Simple Table Numbers

Pink Wedding Bouquet With Roses and Peonies

Wedding Bouquet With Scabiosa and Roses

Wedding Bouquet With Dahlias, Scabiosa and Ranunculus

Fall-Colored Garden Roses, Ranunculus, Dahlias and Scabiosa Decorated the Wedding Venue

The Bride Carried Peonies, Roses, Scabiosa and Greenery

Bridal Bouquet for Wedding at Metropolist in Seattle, Washington

Bouquet of Peonies, Scabiosa, Ranunculus and Ferns

Colorful Bouquet with Dahlias, Scabiosa, Wildflowers and Greenery

Bouquet With Scabiosa and Lisianthus

Wedding Reception Tables Topped with Centerpieces Filled with Garden Roses, Ranunculus, Dahlias and Scabiosa

Moody Burgundy Wedding Bouquet With Roses and Scabiosa

Bridal Bouquet at San Francisco City Hall in San Francisco, California

Bouquet With Roses, Magnolia Leaves and Scabiosa Pods

Greenery-Filled Bouquet for Wedding at Lauxmont Farms in Wrightsville, Pennsylvania

Modern, Short-sleeve Wedding Dress with Striking Fuchsia Peony, Sweet Pea and Amaranthus Bouquet