Wintery Dried Floral Bouquet

The florists at Maison de LaCroix perfectly captured Bess and Austin’s whimsical winter theme in their floral creations, using ivory blooms and nonfloral elements to create elegant, distinctive designs for the bouquets and boutonnieres. For her walk down the aisle, Bess carried a bundle of tallow berries, raw cotton bolls, sola flowers, phalaris, gold button flowers, gold misty caspia and silver brunia. “I loved the idea of carrying out the mixed wood and metal theme into my flowers. I found the most amazing woman by the name of Meghan who specializes in preserved and dry floral design,” Bess says. “She worked to create the most perfect bouquet. The best part? My bouquet was already preserved from the start!”


Buttercream Cake with Greenery and Silver Brunia

Romantic Pink, White and Ivory Bouquets

Romantic Peach, Blue, White Bouquet

Eucalyptus Boutonniere

White Boutonniere with Traditional Black Tuxedo and Bow Tie

Peach and Pink Bouquet With Ranunculus, Roses and Dusty Miller

Organic Natural Blue Bouquet With Succulents and Brunia

Pink and Peach Flower Centerpiece

Yellow Rose, Protea and Ranunculus Bouquet

Romantic Pastel and White Bouquet With Greenery

Blue, Yellow and Ivory Bridal Bouquet

White Rose, Anemones, Brunia and Lamb's Ear Bouquet

Rustic Anemone, Silver Brunia Ball and Rose Bouquet

Thistle and Silver Brunia Boutonniere

Bouquet of Pink and Ivory Flowers

Peony Boutonniere with Floral Accents

Navy Bridesmaid Dress and Peach and White Roses

Goalpost Centerpiece With Moss and Flowers

White and Blue Floral Bouquets

White Gardenia and Silver Brunia Boutonnieres

Pink Ranunculus and Dusty Miller Bridesmaid Bouquets

Blue Groomsman Tuxedo With Burberry Tie