White Rose Centerpieces

Glass stemware wrapped in twine and filled with white roses and hydrangeas dotted the long farmhouse-style reception tables.


Light Yellow Bridal Bouquet

White and Yellow Bridal Bouquet

Yellow Ceremony Direction Sign

Blush, Lavender and Pale Yellow Flower Arrangements at Ceremony Altar

Vintage and Garden Inspired Invitation and Vows

Grooms with Traditional Lazo Floral Garland

Pale Yellow Rose Bridesmaid Bouquet

Casablanca Champagne Lace Wedding Dress

Small Yellow and Orange Bridesmaid Bouquet

Lazaro Wedding Gown

Yellow Bridesmaid Dresses

Low Pastel Arrangement of Blush, Pale Yellow, Purple and Lavender and Candles

Bride With Natural Makeup, Drop Earrings and Pastel Flower Bouquet

Unity-Candle Ceremony

Rose and Calla Lilies Bridal Bouquet

Mint-Painted Wine Bottle Table Numbers

Unique Table Names

Eclectic Place Setting With Pastel Flowers, Wooden Charger, Clay Vase and Other Wood Elements

Retro-Inspired Pastel Paper Mushroom Escort Card Display

Boho-Chic Wedding Ceremony on the Beach with Neutral Tones in Tulum

Two-Tier Wedding Cake With Fresh Rose, Nerine and Sweet Pea Flowers

Cake Pop Dessert Tower