White Gardenia, Rose, Hydrangea Bridal Bouquet

Chelsea and Aaron knew they wanted to keep their palette mostly neutral. With that in mind, Events In Bloom created a stunning bouquet of roses, gardenia and hydrangeas. โ€œThe gardenias also added a beautiful aroma to the bouquet that I can still remember,โ€ Chelsea says.


Cameo Pendant on Bridal Bouquet

Romantic Ivory Rose and Thistle Bouquet

White Gardenia Boutonniere

Ivory and Champagne Rose, Gardenia Bouquet

English Country Garden-Inspired White Bouquet

Grandmother Flower Girl With Gardenia Boutonniere

Gardenia, Stephanotis and Calla Lily Bouquet

Bride in a Fascinator Veil with Gardenias

White Gardenia and Silver Brunia Boutonnieres

Gardenia, Hydrangea and Dahlia Bouquet

White Gardenia Boutonniere on Black Lapel

Lush Pastel Bridal Bouquet

White and Pink Peony and Rose Bouquet

Neutral Lush Bridesmaid Bouquets

Ivory Gardenia, Roses and Hydrangea Bouquet

Classic White Gardenia Boutonniere

Very Wang Groomsmen Tuxedos

Ivory Peony and Garden Rose Bridal Bouquet

All-White Rose and Gardenia Bouquet

White Gardenia and Rose Bridal Bouquet

Leather Trunk With Gardenia Petals

Ivory Gardenia, Rose and Hypericum Bouquet