White Bouquet with Sentimental Bouquet Wrap

Karen carried a bouquet with white roses and fragrant tuberoses. Attached to her white bouquet wrap were portraits of the women in her family.


Buttercream Wedding Cake With DIY 'Love' Topper

Simple White Tuberose Boutonniere with Pink Ribbon

Ivory Tuberose and Hypericum Boutonniere

Textured White Bridal Bouquet

Textured Bridal Bouquet

Ivory Tuberose Boutonnieres

Ivory, Green and Lavender Centerpieces

Rose, Zinnia and Tuberose Flower Arrangement

Orange Rose Boutonniere

White Hydrangea and Tuberose Ceremony Aisle Chair Decor

Rose and Hydrangea Bridesmaid Bouquet

Pink, White and Green Bridal Bouquet

Tuberose and Billy Balls Boutonniere

Tall Centerpieces with Branches and White Flowers

White and Green Centerpiece in Mercury Glass

Pink Bridal Bouquet

Rustic Pastel Bridal Bouquet

The Bridal Bouquet