Vibrant Bridesmaid Bouquet

The bridesmaids carried colorful bouquets of David Austin garden roses, dahlias, ranunculus, green Hypericum berries, seeded eucalyptus, dusty miller and coleus (which came directly from the florist’s garden). I wanted them to be colorful and look like they were just picked from the garden, says Meghan.


Succulent and Protea Boutonniere

Rustic Bud Vase Centerpiece

Bright Bridal Bouquet

Balsa Wood and Rose Bridal Bouquet

Pink and Yellow Bridesmaid Bouquet

Colorful Farmer's Market Flower Centerpieces

Modern Fall Bridal Bouquet

The Bridal Bouquet

Bright Bridesmaid Bouquets

Rustic Vintage Centerpieces

Floral Arrangement of Zinnias and Garden Roses

Sentimental Bridal Bouquet

White Wood Flower Bridal Bouquet

Floral Ceremony Decor

The Bridal Bouquet

Lakefront Ceremony

Orange and Pink Centerpiece

Pink and White Bouquets

Muted Pastel Bridesmaid Bouquet

Colorful Bridal Bouquet

Ombre Floral Arrangement