The Ceremony

Los Angeles' gothic-style First Congregational Church was the dramatic setting for the ceremony. The venue features powerful arched doorways and luminescent stained glass that made you feel as though you were in Europe, according to the bride. Just minutes before the ceremony began, Aisha was informed that the minister had not arrived. Luckily, her mother's pastor happened to be attending as a guest, and happily filled in. The amazing thing is that my mother had a dream the night before the wedding that her pastor married us, recalls Aisha. It was just meant to be. Instead of waiting at the altar for the ceremony to begin, the groom chose to join the processional and accompany his mother down the aisle, after which a bridal party of eighteen friends and family members followed. Friends Portia and Danielle performed songs by Celine Dion and Whitney Houston, while another friend, Marsha, recited a heartfelt poem.

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