The Bridal Bouquet

Alison carried a bouquet of white peonies and gardenias accented with green berries. “My Grandmom Murray had gardenias in her bouquet, so we chose those to honor her memory and the anniversary of my grandparents’ marriage,” the bride explains.


Soft Ivory Bouquet

Gardenia Bridal Bouquet

Gardenia Boutonniere

Fondant-draped Cake

The Centerpieces

Gardenia Boutonniere

All-White Bridal Bouquet

Ivory Bouquet

White Gardenia Bouquets

Gardenia Boutonniere

White Bridal Bouquet

The Boutonniere

White Bridal Bouquet

Simple Gardenia Boutonnieres

White Bouquet

Mercury Glass Centerpieces

The Cake

The Boutonnieres