Textured Cascading Bridal Bouquet

Fionna Floral took the reins on all of the couple’s floral needs, designing striking, textured arrangements of veronica, hydrangeas, tillandsia, garden roses, tulips, amaranthus, dusty miller, eucalyptus, air plants and more for Sylvia and her bridesmaids to carry down the aisle. The bouquets perfectly captured Sylvia and Daniel’s California theme, filled with soft shades of blue, green, ivory and pink.


Purple and White Fall Bouquet

Lush Greens and Flower Centerpieces

Blush Bridal Bouquet

Ivory Rose Bouquet with Ranunculus and Dusty Miller

Pastel Flower and Succulent Bouquet

Bridal Bouquet With Succulents, Dusty Miller and Roses

White and Green Hand-Tied Bridal Bouquet

Vines, Lisanthus and Dusty Miller Added to the Garden Wedding Decor

Dusty Miller, Astilbe and Rose Bridesmaid Bouquets

Baby’s Breath, Ranunculus and Peony Bouquet

Distinctive Floral Arrangement With King Protea

Blush, White and Peach Bouquet with Scabiosa Pods and Dusty Miller

Wildflower-Filled Natural Bouquet

Large Garden Rose and Green Vibernum Bridal Bouquet

Soft Pink Peonies and Anemones Bouquet

Rustic Tablescapes With Vintage Cut Glassware, Gray and White Linens and a Loose Arrangement of Vines

Neutral Blush and Ivory Bridal Bouquet

Pink Peony, Stock and Greenery Bouquet

Blush and White Peony Bouquet

Lush Plant Centerpiece with Photo

Anemone and Rose Bouquet With Hypericum Berries

Rose, Anemone, Scabiosa Pod and Silver Brunia Bouquet