Susan & Thomas: An Urban Wedding in Washington, DC

Sometimes, it's not what you know, it's who you know -- just ask Susan Pujari and Thomas Novak. The Bride Susan Pujari, 28, physician The Groom Thomas Novak, 29, physician The Date April 5 Six degrees of separation eventually brought Susan and Thomas into each other's lives. Tom went to medical school at Tulane, then moved to Washington, DC, for residency, says Susan. Tom lived with a guy his first year, named Eric, who he went medical school with. Eric worked at my hospital. Eric's girlfriend, Beth, also went to med school with both of them, also worked at my hospital, and was in my residency program. The two of them thought we would make a cute couple. Initially neither one found the other to be a love interest, but as time went on and they became closer through spending time together with their mutual friends, they fell in love.