Rose, Chrysanthemum and Stock Bouquet

The bridesmaids held a bouquet filled with purple, pink and white blooms—ranging from garden roses to chrysanthemums and accents of stock. The flower arrangements matched their light and dark purple floor-length dresses.


Burgundy and White Bridal Bouquet

Mismatched Groomsmen Boutonnieres

Place Setting with Gold Flatware

Lush Pastel Dining-Table Centerpiece

Vibrant Peony Bouquet

Unique Bridal Bouquet

Yellow Mum Pomander

European Inspired Ceremony Site

Table Number With White Flower Centerpiece

Eucalyptus and Rose Bouquet

Colorful Chrysanthemum and Rose Round Bouquet

Tall Blush and Ivory Centerpiece

Green and Purple Pomander Aisle Decoration

Vivid Bridal Bouquet

Bright Bridesmaid Bouquet

Belted Navy Blue Bridesmaid Dress

Mismatched Groomsmen Boutonnieres

Colorful Wildflower Bridal Bouquet

DIY Garden-Inspired Bridal Bouquet

Romantic Bouquet with Garden Roses and Mums

Tall Yellow Centerpiece

Vintage Yellow and White Centerpieces