Rachel & Chris in Upper Montclair, NJ

Every year Rachael and Chris have a tradition of going pumpkin picking in October. For his proposal, Chris had planned to hide the ring in his coat pocket and plant it in the pumpkin patch where Rachael would discover it. But the day they chose was unseasonably warm and called for only shorts and T-shirts, which caused Chris to change his plans. The Bride Rachael Strong, 28, project manager The Groom Christopher (Chris) Anatol, 28, network administrator The Date April 21 After they arrived home with pumpkins in hand, Chris challenged Rachael to a carving contest. It was then that he carved their initials into his pumpkin, hid the ring inside, and presented it to her. “I was so shocked and speechless,” Rachael says. She eventually said yes, and they began planning a modern wedding.

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