Purple Rose and Iris Bridal Bouquet

Lauren carried a bouquet of garden roses and irises in various shades of purple along with light green buds for brightness. For added significance, she wrapped the bouquet in rosaries from her and Mario's grandmothers.


Elegant Spring Centerpiece of White Anemones, Blue Astilbes and Purple Irises

Spring, Whisky-Inspired Table Name and Centerpiece with Purple Irises

Tulip, Iris and Rose Bouquet

White and Yellow Bouquet

Bouquet With Sunflowers, Irises and Stock Flowers

Purple and Ivory Rose and Iris Bouquet with Rosary

Hydrangea and Iris Centerpieces

Pink and Purple Heart-Shaped Bouquet with Roses, Dahlias, and Irises.

Modern Watercolor Iris Invitations

Dramatic, Whimsical Bouquet with White and Purple Flowers

Vibrant Watercolor Iris Ceremony Program Fans

Nautical Table Decor

Cocktail Tables with Stunning Views

DIY Lavender and Irise Wedding Bouquet

White Flower Arrangement on Wood Slab

Blue and Purple Iris Boutonniere

Rose and Iris Boutonniere

Bright Purple Bridal Bouquet

Three-Tier Cake

Irise Wedding Bouquet with Purple Wrap

Tall Purple and Ivory Rose, Iris, and Hydrangea Centerpieces with Crystals

Buttercream Wedding Cakes with Fresh Irises