Pink Daisy and White Hydrangea Bridal Bouquet

Samantha carried pink gerbera daisies, white hydrangea, pink roses and pink hypericum berries. Her bouquet was tied with twine and a pink satin ribbon. “I wanted all the flowers to be unique and still add a rustic touch,” Samantha says.


Personalized Heirloom Diamond, Ruby Engagement Ring

Coral and Ivory Rose Bridal Bouquet

Florida Beach Gerbera Daisy Wedding Cake Topper

Floral Centerpiece Vases with Pearls

Green Apple Jar Centerpieces

Pink Gerbera Daisy Wedding Hair Accent

Colorful Sprinkled Wedding Cake

White Gerbera Daisy Bouquet

Simple White Gerbera Daisy, Brooch Accented Bouquet

Milk Glass and Gerber Daisy Centerpieces