Pink and Orange Garden Bouquet

"My bouquet was not only lovely in colors but also huge—just the way it should be in Texas," says Deborah, who had Flower Vibes create a colorful arrangement in varying shades of pink with king proteas, ranunculus, anemones, garden roses and peonies.

More Photos From This Album

Romantic Barn Wedding in Texas

Vibrant Pink and Orange Floral Invitation Suite

Blush Pink Bridesmaid Dresses

Barn Reception With Flower Monogram

Globe at Guest Book Table

Floral Coaster as Favor

Pink Dessert Tables With Macarons

Grand Entrance Banner

Bride and Groom Wedding Bands

Traditional Chinese Wedding Dress

Bright Blue Groom's Suit

Dark Gray Groomsmen Suits

Escort Card Display, Pressed Flower Coasters

Floral Chandelier and Garlands at Reception

French Macaron Dessert Tower

First Dance at Barn Reception

White Lace Heels, Bridal Shoes

Modern Texas Wedding With Chinese Traditions

Outdoor Ceremony on Texas Farm

Handmade Floral Coasters

Flower Chandelier

Floral-Themed Pink and Green Place Settings

Grand Exit, Flower Petals