Pearl Stringed Bouquet

For her bouquet, Amber chose tulips, roses, hydrangeas, snap dragons, spider mums, cabbage flowers and wax flowers. She then had the florist added pearls throughout her bouquet.


Stock and Waxflower Bridesmaid Bouquets

DIY Eucalyptus and Lavender Centerpieces

Rustic Mason Jar Aisle Decorations

White Wedding Cake with Thick Floral Cascade

Pink and White Bridesmaid Bouquet

Pastel Bridal Bouquet

Garden Inspired Bouquet

Waxflower and Baby's Breath Bouquet

Ivory Hydrangea, Peony and Waxflower Bouquet

Ivory Bridal Bouquet of Roses and Wax Flowers

Nontraditional DIY Bouquet

High Centerpieces

Pink and Purple Bridesmaid Bouquet

White Mum and Waxflower Boutonniere

White Table with Linens, Flowers and Candles

Romantic Couple's Initials Display

Low Centerpieces

Pink Bridesmaid Bouquets

Lively Bridal Bouquet