Ngoc & Brian: A Casual Bird-Themed Wedding in Omaha, Nebraska
After meeting through mutual friends, Ngoc and Brian dated for six months before Brian moved to Tampa, Florida to start culinary school. Busy schedules combined with health issues took a toll on the couple, and the pair ended their relationship six months later. Despite the break up, Ngoc and Brian remained best friends and talked every day. Ten months after the split, Brian invited Ngoc to Florida for a visit, where he convinced her that they were meant to be together. The Bride Ngoc Tran, 26, healthcare administrator The Groom Brian Payne, 27, sous chef The Date October 17 As soon as they got back together, Brian knew he wanted to ask Ngoc to marry him. He returned to Nebraska for the holidays with the intention of proposing on New Year's Eve in the same place where he and Ngoc had shared their first kiss. Ngoc's work schedule got in the way, though, and she was too tired to go out. The pair called it an early night, until finally, at 2 a.m., Brian couldn't stand it anymore and woke her up with a proposal. Still half asleep, Ngoc thought he was talking about the future, and muttered, Of course we're going to get married someday, and fell back asleep. It wasn't until the next morning when she was driving Brian to the airport that he reminded her of the proposal and asked if she wanted the ring. The couple wed on October 17th in a casual yet cool birds of a feather-themed wedding.