Natasha & Brian: A Rustic Wedding in Golden, British Columbia

Natasha and Brian first met at her brother’s wedding. Brian wasn’t a guest -- he was actually just there to pick up his 1961 Pontiac Laurentian, which the newlyweds had used as their getaway car. “I don’t think Brian was on the official guest list, so he arrived very late,” Natasha remembers. “Long after I had given up looking for cute guys at the reception!” The Bride Natasha Kaminsky, 31, singer-songwriter The Groom Brian LaBine, 36, pharmaceutical Sales The Date July 28 By the time Brian showed up, the reception was winding down: The bar was closing up, the lights were back on, and, Natasha says, “I was wearing the better part of a glass of wine that someone knocked down the front of my dress! But I must have looked okay, because he still called me.” The two were soon a pair. The day before Natasha’s birthday, they were in the car together when Brian gave Natasha a gingerbread cookie, her favorite. She was already thrilled, but then he pulled out an engagement ring.