Mark & Jon: An Outdoor Wedding in Big Sur, CA

The breathtaking views surrounding Big Sur were the perfect backdrop for Mark and Jon's heartfelt commitment ceremony. The Groom Mark Rubinstein, 37, adolescent medicine physician The Groom Jon Boone, a 34, adult and child psychiatrist The Date September 17 When Jon spotted Mark's profile on the cyber networking website, he realized the two had a lot of similar interests. “He shared my love of the outdoors, surfing, traveling, and Dolly Parton,” Jon says. After a few conversations, Jon and Mark discovered they had much more in common -- they both attended Yale medical school, had lived just blocks away from each other in New Haven for several years, and had some of the same friends. The most extraordinary sign that Jon and Mark were meant to be, however, was when Jon found out that one of his favorite prints (Summer Breeze by Alice Dalton Brown) was actually a painting of Mark’s childhood bedroom in the Hamptons. After 21 months of dating, the couple was vacationing in Costa Rica when Jon arranged a candlelit dinner by the ocean. With the romantic scene just right (tiki torches, lobster, and white wine), “Mark could not refuse my proposal!” Jon says.