Lush King Protea and Tropical Leaf Bouquets


Rustic Bouquet with Oversized Proteas, Peonies and Berries

Eclectic Bouquet of Eucalyptus, Berries, Dahlias and Protea

Tropical Fuchsia Bouquets of Roses and Tropical Leaves

Tropical Table Number with Votive Candles, Protea and Pineapple

Modern Wedding Arch with Roses, King Protea and Greenery

Modern and Tropical Bridesmaids Bouquets

Bold Protea, Scabiosa, Celosia, Orchid and Rose Bouquet Tied with Blue Ribbon

Pink Peony, Cabbage Rose and Protea Bouquet

Rustic Bride with Flower Crown and Dahlia Bouquet

Tropical Bouquet with Anthurium, Protea and Palm Leaves

Oversized Bouquet with Bright Protea, Peonies, Eucalyptus and Hydrangeas

Modern Ceremony Backdrop with Ferns, Pampas Grass, Protea and Ivy

Modern, Tropical-Inspired Bouquet of Roses, Protea and Greenery

Candles and Centerpiece with Garden Roses, Peonies and Protea

Bright King Protea, Sunflower, Orchid and Veronica Bouquet

Palm Leaf, Protea, Rose and Fruit Centerpieces

Mismatched Bottle Centerpieces with Colorful Flowers

Colorful Centerpiece with Roses, Ranunculus, Wildflowers and Protea

Tropical Bouquet of Hibiscus, Protea and Monstera Leaves

Large Bouquet with King Protea, Eucalyptus and Amaranthus

Modern Centerpieces with Protea, Table Number and Vase

Blue Shoes and Bouquet with Protea and Monstera Leaves