Large White Bridal Bouquet

Eliza's luscious white blossom bouquet was an elegant match for her Monique Lhuillier lace gown. "It was made from two different layers of French lace with chiffon layered underneath. This created that gorgeous texture," Eliza says.


Bouquet for Wedding at the Gaillard Center in Charleston, South Carolina

Classic Bouquet of White Gardenias and Greenery

Blush Rose and Gardenia Bouquet

Romantic Bridal Bouquet

White and Pink Bouquet

The Bridal Bouquet

Autumnal Gardenia Boutonnieres

White Bridal Bouquet

Fresh, Relaxed, White Rose Blossom Bouquets

Cascading White Gardenia and Ranunculus Bouquet

White Bridesmaid Bouquets With Garden Roses, Gardenias

Desert Succulent Bridal Bouquet

Classic Bridal Updo

Natural Bouquet of Gardenias, Anemones, Magnolia Leaves and Other Greenery

Simple White Flower Centerpieces in Clear Vases

Elegant Updo with Gardenia Detail

White Ranunculus, Rose and Gardenia Bouquet

Large White Gardenia Decorative Backdrop

Purple Garden Bridesmaid Bouquets

Gardenia and Wax Flower Boutonniere

White Gardenia Boutonniere

Art Deco Chairs and Gardenia and Magnolia Leaf Aisle Arrangements