Large Palm Leaf Centerpieces

“We wanted the centerpieces to be bold and modern with large scale elements, complimentary of the scale of the room,” Lily says. Gilded palm leaves, roses, lily of the valley and calla lilies filled tall gold vases. rn


White Bridal Bouquet

Ivory and Champagne Rose, Gardenia Bouquet

Tall, Organic Rose and Lily of the Valley Centerpieces

Bouquet with Peonies and Lily of the Valley

White and Blush Rose and White Calla Lily Bouquets

Ivory Bouquet of Roses, Lilies and Anemones

A Nautical Navy and Green Reception

White Lily and Orchid Cascading Bridal Bouquet

Textured Rose, Bells of Ireland Wedding Centerpieces

Two-Tiered Cake on Silver Stand

Simple, Classic Lily of the Valley Bouquet

White Rustic Bridal Bouquet

Cascade Hills Country Club Wedding

Lilies of the Valley Aisle Decor

Lily of the Valley Bridal Bouquet

Lush Centerpieces

Spring Bouquet with Peonies, Violets and Lily of the Valley

Purple, White and Green Bouquet

Brunia Ball, Lily of the Valley, Rose Bouquet

Tall Flower Arrangements at Le Meridien Hotel

Simple Lily of the Valley Boutonniere

White Hydrangea and Lily of the Valley Bouquet