Landy’s Mantle, Seeded Eucalyptus, Hydrangea Bouquets

Hillary and the bridesmaids carried roses, garden roses, hydrangeas, lady’s mantle and seeded eucalyptus in their bouquets.


Modern Green and White Bridesmaid Bouquets

Ivory Dahlia and Green Succulent Bridesmaid Bouquet

Pink Garden Rose and Green Lady's Mantle Aisle Decor

Bright Centerpieces

White and Green Bridal Bouquet

Ivory, Coral and Green-Decorated Wedding Arbor

Bright Pink, Orange and Green Centerpieces

Green Lady’s Mantle, White Hydrangea Bridal Bouquet

Bridesmaids' Bouquets

Green, Ivory and Purple Bridal Bouquet

Green, White Centerpieces

Ivory Lace Wedding Gown

The Boutonniere