Kevin & Jeffrey: A White and Green, Outdoor Wedding in Danbury, CT
After a decade of dating in New York, Kevin had pretty much given up on finding the one. In a last-ditch effort, he joined; many of his friends had met their spouses that way, so maybe he would too. The first guy he met in person, Jeffrey, wound up being the only one he'd need to meet. Once they caught their first glimpse of each other, they were hooked. The Groom Kevin Cusick Dix, 34, finance The Groom Jeffrey Shelton, 35, doctor The Date September 13 A year later, they bought their first house together near Yale University, where Jeffrey was a medical resident. Commuting from New Haven, Connecticut, into Manhattan takes me four hours a day. Yeah, that’s love, says Kevin. Though there was no official proposal, the couple knew they wanted to get married. They went from having a small courthouse wedding to a weekend-long event, with details inspired by the hobnail milk-glass vases that Kevin had inherited from his grandmother.