Jennie & Matt: An Outdoor Wedding in Loveland, CO

Jennie might still be a student, but she's fully educated in the art of wedding planning. I planned the whole thing myself while going to school full time, she says. It was crazy because I was so picky...I looked at every venue in Northern Colorado! But once Jennie and Matt had taken a peek at the lush grounds of the Wild Lane Bed & Breakfast Inn, they knew it was the ideal spot. The outdoor setting was also reminiscent of the groom's romantic August park proposal. The Bride Jennie Hinton, 20, student The Groom Matt Tipett, 22, student The Date May 29 Matt, who first met Jennie five years ago at a high school party (It was his idea to go out on a date, but by the end of the night I knew he was special, Jennie says), couldn't nab a dinner reservation. So, like most men with a ring burning a hole in his pocket, he concocted a story instead. Matt's tale included a ditty about wanting to look at a house near the park where they had their first date. With a cranky Jennie behind the wheel, Matt instructed her to stop at the park, where he led her to the picnic table at which they had sat so many years ago. Jennie finally figured out what was going on -- and her bad mood instantaneously melted away.