Hydrangeas and Roses


Bride and Groom in Black-Tie Attire Sharing Embrace at The Club at Houston Oaks in Texas

Tight, Minimal Bouquet of White Lily of the Valley

Elegant Updo With White Flowers

The Bridal Bouquet

White Calla Lily Boutonniere

Rustic Black Metal Wedding Arch

Lily of the Valley All-White Bouquet

Simple Bouquet With Peonies, Roses and Calla Lilies

Calla Lily Boutonniere for Wedding at The Foundry in Long Island City, New York

Lily of the Valley Bridal Bouquet

White Lily of the Valley Groom’s Boutonnieres

Pink Rose, White Lily of the Valley Flower Crown

The Boutonnieres

Pink and White Bouquet with Peonies and Stephanotis

Pastel Peony and Rose Bouquet

Lush Pink Garden-Inspired Bridal Bouquet

Lily, Scabiosa Pod and Greenery Bouquet

Rose, Lily of the Valley Lush Bridal Bouquet

Elegant Updo

bride's Small Lily of the Valley Bouquet of White and Greenery

Neutral-Colored Garden Rose Bridal Bouquet

White Rose, Stephanotis, Ranunculus Bouquet