Hydrangea and Garden Rose Bouquet

Lindsay's bouquet had pink garden roses and ivory hydrangeas (two of Lindsay's favorite flowers) mixed in with thistle, scabiosa pods, veronica and many other blooms. Lindsay's mother and head designer of Expressions by Elizabeth created the flower arrangements.


Wedding Bouquet with Vines, Veronica and Hypericum Berries

Jewel-Tone Bouquet with Roses, Dahlias and Veronica

Purple Stock, Scabiosa and Veronica Bouquet

Red Bouquet with Roses, Eucalyptus, Veronica and Baby's Breath

Dramatic Garden Rose, Astilbe and Veronica Bouquet

White Garden and Spray Rose Bouquet

Yellow Wildflower-Inspired Bridal Bouquet

Wildflower-Filled Natural Bouquet

Full Classic Bouquet of Veronica, Roses, Peonies and Greenery

Colorful Carnation, Thistle and Eucalyptus Bouquet

Modern Ranunculus, Rose and Eucalyptus Bouquet

Yellow Bouquet with Daisies, Garden Roses, Wildflowers and Queen Anne's Lace

Small Bud Vases with Veronica and Dahlias

Pink Peony, Stock and Greenery Bouquet

Thistle, Veronica and Wildflower Bouquet

Green Succulent and Ivory Rose Bouquet

Bright King Protea, Sunflower, Orchid and Veronica Bouquet

Rustic Bouquet with Garden Roses, Ranunculus, Astilbe and Veronica

Pastel Rose Bouquet

Veronica and Baby Blue Eucalyptus Bouquet with Greenery

Blush Rose and Gardenia Bouquet

Textured Cascading Bridal Bouquet