Green and Pink Cascading Woodland Bouquet

This cascading bouquet looked like Laurel swept it up from the woods. It contained hanging amaranthus, peonies, spray roses, scabiosa pods, veronica, hypericum berries and a host of natural greenery to complete the woodland look.

This cascading bouquet looked like Laurel swept it up from the woods. It contained hanging amaranthus, peonies, spray roses, scabiosa pods, veronica, hypericum berries and a host of natural greenery to complete the woodland look.


Lantern with Roses, Amaranthus, Greenery and Veronica

Greenery, Rose and Amaranthus Adorned Chandelier

Glam Cascading Eucalyptus and Red Amaranthus Centerpieces

Rustic Thistle, Amaranthus and Eucalyptus Bouquet

Farm Table with Eucalyptus Garland and Terrariums

Cascading Amaranthus, Calla Lily and Succulent Bouquet

Wintry Burgundy Bridesmaid Bouquets

Tall Modern Hydrangea and Amaranthus Centerpieces

Romantic Cascading Amaranthus and Eucalyptus Centerpiece

Romantic Bohemian-Inspired Bridesmaid Gowns

Cascading Protea, Orchid and Amaranthus Bouquet