Colorful Cascading Bouquet of Roses and Wax Flowers

Greenleaf Wholesale Florists created Christine’s stunning cascading bouquet full of vibrant flowers, including roses in hot pink, light pink and orange, wax flowers, purple and blue hydrangeas, succulents and leafy greens. “I wanted flowers that would mimic the color of the mosaic,” the bride says.


White Wedding Bouquet With Roses and Waxflowers

Casual Tiered Wedding Cake with

Burgundy Leaf, Rose and Fern Boutonniere

Gardenia and Wax Flower Boutonniere

Textured Fern, Waxflower and Blush Floral Bouquet

Chalkboard Table Number and Rustic Bud Vases

Pink and Ivory Bouquet With Waxflowers

Lisianthus and Dahlia Bridal Bouquet

Ivory Rose, Waxflower and Driftwood Centerpiece

Sweetheart Table with Chevron Pillows and Antique Vases

Braided Updo with Waxflower Flower Crown

Purple Prairie Flower Bouquet

The Boutonnieres

Rustic Blush Rose, Eucalyptus and Wax Flower Bouquet

Succulent and Hypericum Boutonniere

Dahlia and Rose Bouquet with Accents

Miniature White Lily and Waxflower Boutonnieres

Red Rose and Waxflower Boutonniere

Bridesmaids' Fresh Bouquets

Bride Holds Simple White and Green Bouquet

Tall Centerpiece with Amaranthus, Hydrangeas, Astilbes and Roses

Braided Updo With White Wax Flowers