Caroline & Jonathan in Los Angeles, CA

Although Caroline and Jonathan became an item soon after meeting, the proposal didn’t go quite as smoothly -- Jonathan wound up having to pop the question twice! The Bride Caroline Tran, 26, physics teacher The Groom Jonathan Ly, 31, database administrator The Date October 7 The first time Jonathan proposed, Caroline, having just entered grad school, turned him down. But once Caroline and her mother discussed it, Caroline realized that she could wait to plan the wedding after grad school. Jonathan was given a second chance while the two were overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge. Caroline had a definite feeling about what was going to happen, and after a little encouragement, Jonathan proposed for the second time. “I just remember screaming, ‘Yes!’” Caroline says.


The Gown

The Gown

The Guest Book

The Entertainment

The Ceremony/The Traditions

Melody & David in West Orange, NJ

The Reception Decor

The Traditions

The Traditions

The Traditions

The Escort Cards

Minnie & Ki Ho in Durham, NC

The Traditions

The Programs

The Traditions

The Favors

Bei & Terence in Frederick, MD