Angelina & Michael: An Outdoor Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA
Angelina and Michael envisioned an intimate and romantic wedding in June. They fell in love, literally, with the Morning Glory Inn because, as they say, it embodied the theme for their wedding: our true love! THE BRIDE Angelina THE GROOM Michael Justice THE DATE June 26 Who says the wingman never gets the girl? A week after his birthday in 2000, Michael, now a 38-year-old senior sales engineer, went out on the town with a friend. Less than ten minutes after entering the club, Michael noticed two women coming toward him. While one of them approached his friend with the proverbially bad line, 'don't I know you from somewhere,' Michael started chatting with the other woman, Angelina, now a 35-year-old real estate agent -- and he soon realized that his single days were over. I was left with the vision that she was to become my wife, he recalls, adding she is the best belated birthday present I ever had. On a wintry Christmas Eve, Angelina and Michael traveled to West Virginia to spend the holidays with her family. It was exceptionally hot in her parents' home, so Angelina asked to borrow a T-shirt from her mother. The only item she could find? A hideous tie-dyed T-shirt. When Angelina rejoined her family, she saw a roomful of excited relatives gazing at her, her father with a video camera, and Michael on one knee holding a small black box. After happily accepting Michael's proposal, she gasped at the thought of her wearing the frightful T-shirt as her proposal was being recorded. Why couldn't he have proposed when I was dressed up? Angelina remembers thinking. But now that I look back on it, though, I wouldn't change a thing!