A Whimsical, Rustic Garden Wedding at The Camrose Hill Flower Studio in Stillwater, Minnesota

Chelsea Reiter (24 and a veterinary student) and Dillon Lohmer (25 and a commercial airline pilot) outfitted their romantic garden nuptials in ethereal shades of plum, white and green with glam pops of gold.

Guests received Bee Bomb seed balls and birdseed favors made by a local company that employs workers of all abilities to create eco-friendly products. “In addition to thanking our guests for celebrating with us, we wanted to make a larger impact and give back to the environment,” Chelsea says.

“Camrose Hill has a romantic and elegant charm that can be felt throughout the entire venue,” Chelsea says.

The mother of the bride hand-folded 1,000 origami cranes that were used throughout the escort card display and reception. “The cranes are a Japanese tradition, symbolizing loyalty, nobility and beauty,” Chelsea says.

Guests played cornhole and with an oversize Jenga set during the alfresco cocktail hour.