A Whimsical Forsest Wedding at a Private Residence in Alberta, Canada

Deanna Severin's (24, an Interior Designer) first date with Marc Charron (26, an Instrumentation Tech) was almost like three dates in one since neither person was willing to let the date end! It started at Hudson's Tap House, watching a football game over beer, then continued down the street for dinner and finally concluded after a movie at the local theater. Marc proposed to Deanna on a weekend getaway to Rimrock Resort Hotel in Banff, Alberta, while the couple watched a movie. "Marc asked me how much I loved him out of 10; I of course said 10. He then asked, "What about 11?" to which I said "Okay, I love you 11/10!" That's when he got onto one knee, pulled out the ring and asked "Then will you spend the rest of your life with me?"" Deanna recalls. The couple wanted an outdoor wedding to suit their enchanted forest theme so they chose to get married at Deanna's parent's acreage in St. Paul, Alberta. The couple's standout centerpiece arrangements really brought the enchanted forest theme together--each of the 35 tables had different centerpiece arrangements ranging from vintage milk glass vases, brass candlesticks, teapots, goblets, vintage serving trays, old hardcover books and moss.