A Traditional Wedding at The Loeb Boathouse Central Park in New York City

Jessica Lowe (24 and an operations consultant) and Steven Lee ( 24 and a UX designer) first met on a weekend visit to Lehigh University during their senior year of high school. The couple reunited when they met at the University’s freshman orientation and carnival. Soon after, they began to date. Steven proposed on a surprise trip to Hawaii for the couple’s sixth anniversary. Toward the end of their trip, Steven went down on one knee while they were on a deserted beach taking pictures. “He had researched and designed a custom ring for the past year. I was exactly what Jessica dreamed of,” she says. The couple was wed just under a year later with a custom ceremony at the The Loeb Boathouse in New York City. Combining tradition and their own personalities, the couple released doves and designed a unity tea ceremony as part of their wedding. Afterward, Jessica and Steven went for a gondola ride while their guests the cocktail hour. The couple served two signature drinks, blueberry lavender mojitos and cucumber honeydew margaritas, as well as passed hors d’oeuvres. The couple and their guests then enjoyed a plated meal, iPad photo booth and red velvet wedding cake during the reception. Each of Jessica and Steven’s 150 friends and family members received custom fortune cookies and macaroons as their wedding favors.