A Natural, Rustic Wedding at Old Chaser Farm in Vashon, Washington

Grace McRae (28 and a polling and research director at Sierra Club) and Kevan Yalowitz (30 and a senior manager in strategy practice at Accenture) were both attending college in Washington, D.C. when they first met at a crowded bar. Kevan approached Grace and started a conversation, and by the end of the night he successfully got her number to stay in touch. One date led to the next, and the couple remained together ever since! They maintained a long distance relationship for years when Grace was going to graduate school in D.C. and Kevan was back home in Seattle, Washington. Since traveling on airlines to see each other had become such an important part of their relationship, Kevan proposed with a custom-made ring right before take-off to see Grace’s family in Sydney, Australia. The couple decided to have their wedding ceremony on Vashon Island in Seattle, Washington, with a gorgeous backdrop of the Puget Sound and Mount Rainier. Vashon Island is plentiful in lavender, blackberries and lush greens in general, so the couple used purple and green to complement the rustic elements. Following the ceremony was the reception at Old Chaser Farm in Vashon, with a catering crew that served farm-to-table cuisine. “From providing ceremony refreshments to putting out baskets of flip flops and shawls, to stocking bathrooms with emergency sewing kits, Advil and toiletries, we wanted to allow guests to relax and enjoy themselves,” says Grace.