A Modern Lucite-Filled Rooftop Wedding in Columbus, Ohio, With an All-White Palette

When they first dated, back in high school, Todd would come over to Danielle's  house, sit on her porch swing and play the guitar. Then the two lost touch: He traveled the world, while she was immersed in medical books. Twenty years later, when the Dayton natives reconnected online, Danielle and Todd found that they were still very much in tune. For their rooftop wedding, they kept the décor minimal and the music loud. “We celebrated our love by incorporating a rock show vibe to the entire day,” Danielle says. Music stamps sealed the crisp letterpress invitations, which promised a show. GuestsThe couple kicked off the concert with a duet, and then talented musician friends and family rotated onstage. Toward the end of the night, Todd strolled over to the piano and surprised Danielle with an original song. Guests autographed vinyl records by The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin and Van Morrison, and the many musicians who played throughout the night crowded the stage for a farewell tune as the couple waved goodbye.