A Literary-Inspired Garden Wedding at Calamigos Ranch in Malibu, California

Avid book readers Brittaney Wyszynski (26 and a puppeteer and artist) and Chad Wyszynski (27 and a software engineer) shared love for a good novel with guests at their literary-inspired wedding, taking place around the serene gardens at Calamigos Ranch in Malibu, California. "Chad and I share a deep appreciation for literature, which we wanted to incorporate in our wedding," Brittaney says. "We also love spending time in gardens and natural settings, so it was clear combining these two themes would be the perfect way to celebrate our nuptials." They blended their favorite colors of green and orange for a pretty, retro-looking palette to decorate the day with—from the mint green bridesmaid shoes with laces to the vintage orange Volkswagen bus used as a getaway car. The ceremony happened at St. Maximilian Kolbe Catholic Church in Westlake Village, California, where DIY colorful pinwheels made of book pages decorated the ends of wooden pews leading to the altar. Florist Kate Baker created Brittaney's overflowing bridal bouquet filled with peonies, roses and chrysanthemums, along with Chad's succulent boutonniere assorted with paper flowers made of book pages. Escort cards that resembled library cards guided guests to their tables named after literature genres, paired with those types of books used as centerpieces. Our favorite detail from these book lovers? The archway entirely made of books stacked on top of one another that led into the garden reception, like leading them into another world. Talk about a reader's fantasy!